- 4133 Arklow Drive
- Killearn Estates
- Price Reduced: $238,000
- Sold: 08/07
- 7040 Atascadero Lane
- Deer Pointe Unrecorded
- Price: $245,900
- Sold
- 1720 Augustine Place
- Augustine Place Unrecorded
- Price: $169,900
- Sold: 02/08
- 8300 Balmoral Drive
- Meadows at Woodrun
- Price: $149,500
- Sold: 02/06
- 2620 Bantry Bay Drive
- Killearn Estates
- Price: $249,900
- Sold: 12/06
- 2405 Bass Bay Drive
- Killearn Lakes
- Price Reduced: $399,900
- Sold 05/07
- 4018 South Blair Stone Road
- Southwood
- Price Reduced: $189,000
- Sold: 09/09
- 3348 Cameron Chase Drive
- Cameron Chase Phase II
- Price: $234,900
- Sold in 3½ weeks! 07/09
- 2904 Capital Park Drive
- Capital Park Townhomes
- Price Reduced: $129,900
- Sold: 12/07
- 6417 Cavalcade Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price: $172,900
- Sold in 1 week! 03/09
- 3472 Cedarwood Trail
- Killearn Lakes
- Price: $189,900
- Sold : 08/06
- 2018 Chatsworth Way
- Highgrove
- Price Reduced: $509,900
- Sold: 02/05
- 3998 Chipola Street
- Creekwood
- Price Reduced: $112,900
- Sold
- 6327 Coach House Court
- Ox Bottom Manor
- Price: $420,000
- Sold
- 4064 Colleton Court
- Southwood
- Price: $214,900
- Sold : 08/05
- 5431 DeFoors Ferry Road
- Lenox Mill
- Price Reduced: $338,000
- Sold: 12/07
- 6327 Coach House Court
- Ox Bottom Manor
- Price: $420,000
- Sold
- 3768 Forsythe Way
- Shannon Forest
- Price Reduced: $219,900
- Sold: 07/08
- 2942 Giverny Circle
- Killearn Estates
- Price Reduced: $279,500
- Sold
- 3017 Godfrey Place
- Foxcroft
- Price: $229,500
- Sold: 08/07
- 2860 Gulfwind Drive
- Herring Subdivision
- Price Reduced: $103,900
- Sold 08/08
- 1330 Hidden Timbers Place
- Villages at Maclay/Avalon
- Price Reduced: $274,900
- Sold: 03/07
- 1740 Highland Place
- Highland Place Unrec.
- Price: $545,500
- Sold : 06/06
- 1024 Huron Trail
- Swift Creek Woods
- Price Reduced: $329,800
- Sold: 10/07
- 6724 Johnstown Loop
- Killearn Acres.
- Price Reduced: $209,900
- Sold : 06/07
- 2510 Killarney Way
- Reduced Price!: $261,900
- Sold
- 3059 Killearn Pointe Court
- Price: $174,900
- Sold
- 1080 Landings Loop
- Piney Z
- Price: $159,900
- Sold
- 6740 Landover Circle
- Landover Hills
- Price: $204,900
- Sold
- 4916 Lester Road
- Meadow Hills
- Price: $189,900
- Sold: 03/08
- 4656 Louvinia Drive
- Priority Woods
- Price: $189,900
- Sold
- 10929 Luna Point Road
- Luna Plantation Unrecorded
- Price Reduced: $399,900
- Sold in 2½ months! 07/08
- 7760 Maclean Road
- Maclean Hills
- Price: $149,500
- Sold
- 7768 Maclean Road
- Maclean Hills
- Price: $132,900
- Sold
- 6359 Mallard Trace Drive
- Ox Bottom Manor
- Price: $468,000
- Sold: 08/07
- 2601 Marston Road
- Betton Hills 9th Addition
- Rented
- 1949 Maryellen Drive
- The Racquet Club
- Price: $129,500
- Sold: 12/04
- 1833 Mayfair Road
- Astoria Park
- Price: $119,900
- Sold
- 1937 Maymeadow Lane
- Goldfield
- Price Reduced!: $172,900
- Sold: 09/06
- 1964 Maymeadow Lane
- Goldfield
- Rented
- 618 Mc Daniel Street, HV Maund Estates
- Price Reduced: $184,900
- Off Market 05/10
- 3175 Mulberry Park Blvd.
- Southwood
- Price Reduced: $189,900
- Sold: 02/05
- 2652 Nantucket Lane
- Villages of Killearn
- Price: $115,900
- Sold
- 831 North Forest Drive
- Glendale
- Price Reduced: $239,900
- Sold: 05/07
- 2474 Nugget Lane
- Charlston Square
- Price: $111,900
- Sold: 02/05
- 6113 Observation Circle
- Observation Pointe
- Price Reduced: $259,500
- Sold in 1½ months! 04/09
- 2701 O'Hara Court
- Killearn Estates
- Price: $151,900
- Sold
- 2825 Ohara Drive
- Killearn Estates
- Price: $232,900
- Sold in 2½ weeks! 05/09
- 350 Old Dirt Road
- Reduced Price! $205,900
- Sold
- 2119 Old Fort Drive
- Price: $127,900
- Sold
- 3470 Paces Ferry Road
- Lenox Mill
- Price Reduced: $394,500
- Sold: 02/06
- 2010 Packwood Lane
- Killearn Lakes
- Price: $135,900
- Sold
- 5379 Paddington Drive
- The Highlands at Northampton
- Price: $138,500
- Sold
- 5382 Paddington Drive
- The Highlands at Northampton
- Price: $152,000
- Sold
- 2825 Paramore Shores
- McNeil Tract Unrec. Lots J & K
- Price: $425,000
- Sold: 04/05
- 1215 Piedmont
- Piedmont Estates
- Price: $146,900
- Sold
- 1033 Piney Z Plantation Road
- Price: $189,900
- Sold: 05/05
- 643 Pond Court
- Havana
- Price: $222,900
- Sold
- 7540 Preservation Road
- Summerbrooke
- Price: $473,000
- Sold 01/08
- 2506 Prest Court
- Pinecrest Unrec
- Price: $98,000
- Sold in 1 week! 05/09
- 38 Purple Martin Cove
- Songbird
- Price: $218,000
- Sold 03/07
- 3313 Reading Lane
- Linene Woods
- Price: $189,000
- Sold
- 7542 Refuge Road
- Summerbrooke
- Price Reduced: $499,500
- Sold: 08/07
- 6636 Reigh Count Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price Reduced: $189,900
- Sold: 07/08
- 394 Ridgeland
- Price: $157,900
- Sold
- 519 River Plantation Road
- River Plantation
- Price: $205,900
- Sold
- 3553 Rosemont Ridge Road
- Killearn Lakes
- Price: $204,900
- Sold in 2½ weeks! 08/09
- 3904 Royal Oaks Court
- Royal Oaks
- Price: $129,500
- Sold
- 3922 Royal Oaks Drive
- Royal Oaks
- Price: $259,900
- Sold 08/06
- 3076 Royal Palm Way
- Sawgrass Plantation
- Price Reduced: $139,500
- Sold: 08/09
- 3316 Rutland Loop
- Linene Woods
- Price Reduced: $199,000
- Sold
- 2413 San Pedro Avenue
- San Luis Ridge
- Price Reduced: $195,000
- Sold 08/07
- 4436 Shannon Lakes West
- Killearn Estates
- Price: $229,900
- Sold
- 1672 Silverwood Drive
- Blairstone Forest
- Price: $142,500
- Sold: 12/06
- 1705 Silverwood Drive
- Blairstone Forest
- Price: $192,900
- Sold: 04/06
- 2619 South Hannon Hill Drive
- Buckhead
- Price Reduced: $599,900
- Sold: 06/06
- 316 Starmount Drive
- Heritage Woods
- Price: $122,900
- Sold
- 3139 Swaps Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price: $117,900
- Sold
- 312 Teal Lane
- Brookfield Townhomes
- Price Reduced: $94,900
- Sold
- 8045 Tennyson Road
- Price: $299,000
- Sold
- 8035 Tennyson Drive
- Northshire
- Price: $239,900
- Sold
- 6720 Tim Tam Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price: $170,000
- Sold: 02/08
- 6847 Tomy Lee Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price: $179,900
- Sold 08/08
- 6901 Tomy Lee Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price: $184,400
- Sold: 03/08
- 6921 Tommy Lee Trail
- Killearn Acres
- Price: $127,900
- Sold
- 2348 Tour Eiffel Drive
- Lafayette Oaks
- Price: $168,500
- Sold
- 10509 Valentine Road South
- Heartwood Hills
- Price: $267,900
- Sold: 05/06
- 2038 Wahalaw Nene
- Indian Head Acres
- Price: $109,900
- Sold
- 2044 Wahalaw Nene
- Indian Head Acres
- Price Reduced: $132,900
- 3448 Welwyn Way
- Killearn Estates
- Price: $239,900
- Sold
- 2109 Wembley Way
- Eastgate
- Price: $169,800
- Sold: 07/08
- * 3735 Wicklow Circle
- Killearn Estates
- Price Reduced: $249,000
- Sold
- 2110 Wildridge Drive
- Price Reduced: $479,000
- Sold
- 1304 Woodgate Way
- Woodgate
- Rented